Buy Dahlia Bulbs Online
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Dahlia tubers are the underground storage root of this summer flowering bulb. We carry over 50 varieties of decorative dahlias, dinnerplate dahlias, specialty dahlias, cactus dahlias, and border dahlias.
There is a dahlia for every place in your sunny garden! Plant border dahlias and impression dahlias in containers and patio planters. Tall showy decorative dahlias and dinnerplate dahlias mix well with perennials in garden beds and borders! Dahlia tubers are excellent for growing your own cut flowers to bring in your home for vases and bouquets. Dahilas need a sunny location, well drained soil and a little water, it's that easy for more growing tips visit our dahlia information page.
Plant dahlia tubers in spring or early summer once the danger of frost has passed. Dahlias should be planted with the tops of the tubers 1-2\" below the soil surface. Water the planting area after the initial planting. However, after the inital planting avoid watering until sprouts are seen above ground. Once sprouts are seen water as needed based on soil moisture levels.
I trial dozens of new dahlia varieties every year looking for those with unique forms, subtle coloring, and exceptional growth habit. I buy tubers from a lot of different places and thought I would share some of my top sources for quality and unique offerings.
Ribier Gardens is located on 5 acres in Meridian, Idaho and their dahlia tuber store opened for the second year on December 1st. All of their dahlias are certified organic and lovingly tended to by Jen Zissou and her family. Jen gave up her previous profession after a health scare and had the realization that life is just too short not to be passionate about every moment. Jen has been living the dream ever since!
Sunny Meadows Flower Farm owned by Gretel and Steve Adams is an urban flower farm 6 miles from downtown Columbus, Ohio. Their online tuber shop has a great selection specifically for cut flower production.
Our flower farming friends Triple Wren Farms up in Ferndale, Washington have recently added dahlia tubers to their offerings list. They have a great selection of varieties that are especially suited for cut flower growing, including many of my tried and true favorites.
This is a great post! Thank you for taking the time to give all these great infos and experiences to us, less experienced! I would like to recommend Geerlings Dahlias in The Netherlands (EU) As a Danish resident I can not buy tubers from you, but have really good results with the products from Geerlings
What are the Different Types of Dahlias Available From Breck'sBreck's offers many different dahlias and dahlia bulbs for sale. We carry over 100 different dahlia tubers. As you browse our dahlia bulbs, pay attention to the height and size of the flowers you prefer. You will find many dahlia varieties with gorgeous flowers. We carry many dahlia varieties such as collarette dahlias, pompon dahlias, ball dahlias, cactus dahlias, dinner plate dahlias, giant dahlias and many more. Some of our favorite dahlias include Thomas Edison purple blooms, Kelvin Floodlight for its golden yellow flowers and Cafe au Lait for cut flower bouquets. Which Dahlias Should I Buy There are many different sizes of dahlia flowers for sale at Breck's. Dinnerplate dahlias are the largest. Type of dahlia and can feature blooms up to 12 inches across that are dinner plate sized! Many decorative dahlias have blooms between 4-8 inches and are perfect for cut flower gardens. Pompon Dahlias and ball dahlias have miniature flowers formed in a round ball. Collarette dahlias are ideal for small spaces such as in containers or patios. Their bloom has ruffled \"collar\" petals in the center that are surrounded by larger, flat petals that may overlap and are sometimes in contrasting hues. Breck's offers many of these dahlias for sale online. Gardeners Guide to Dahlia BulbsBelow is our guide on the most frequently asked questions about dahlia flowers and bulbs. We cover everything from how to care, grow and store your dahlias over the winter!What to do After Receiving Your Dahlia TubersYour dahlias are shipped from Breck's as tubers that are field grown and have been harvested recently. If you don't have time to plant them immediately, keep the dahlia tubers in their original bags at about 40-45F (4-7C). The vegetable drawer of a refrigerator is ideal for temporary storage. Quick planting, however, will yield the best results.How to Plant DahliasDahlias are frost tender. Your tubers can go directly into the ground in the spring after the ground has warmed and the chance of frost has passed. One good guideline is to plant dahlias at the same time you would plant tomatoes. If you want early blooms, start the dahlia tubers indoors in good light about a month before you plant them outside. Dahlias can be planted as late as mid-June in most parts of the country.How To Care For Dahlias and Dahlia BulbsOur high quality dahlia tubers are harvested in Holland and kept cool until they are shipped to the US to our customers. Dahlias prefer drained soil but need to be watered regularly. Plant dahlias in full sun about 12 to 18 inches apart and 6 to 8 inches deep. Pinch the top of your dahlia plants above the 4th set of leaves for more blooms. How To Store Dahlias Over WinterYou can care and store your Dahlias over winter by using a ventilated box or basket. Take each clump of dahlia tubers and fill the box with slightly moistened sand, peat moss or vermiculite and place them in a cool, dry location. The temperatures should remain between 45 and 55 degrees F. Make sure to check your tubers periodically throughout winter to ensure your Dahlias are not rotting or drying out. Read our guide on how to grow and plant dahlia bulbs for more information and detailed care instructions for dahlias.
Is it a bulb Is it a root No, it's a tuber! Commonly referred to as \"bulbs\" Dahlia tubers store food for the growing season that cluster together at the bottom of a stem. Dahlia tubers can have several growing points called eyes, and can get bigger each year making more growing points. Dahlias are easy to grow, put on an amazing show all summer long, and we're proud to offer one of the largest selections anywhere!
Named for the 18th century Swedish botanist Anders Dahl, these perennial beauties are as interesting as they are beautiful. Dahlias were named the national flower of Mexico in 1963. The aztecs grew tubers as a food crop, however, the practice died out after the Spanish Conquest. Due to an enormous growth in popularity in recent years, new dahlia cultivars are being introduced regularly and we're proud to offer one of the largest selection anywhere, from the enormous dinner plates such as the Break Out dahlia to the more unusual Cactus Dahlia such as Black Narcissus. Dahlias are a genus of tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants that are native to Central America and Mexico. As members of the compositae family of plants, they are relatives of daisies, zinnias, chrysanthemum, and sunflowers! Dahlias are octoploids, meaning they have eight sets of homologous chromosomes, whereas the average plant has but two.
When growing dahlias in your yard, there are a few things to keep in mind. Dahlias really prefer warm soil and should be planted in the warm and long days of spring. Typically, you would plant dahlias when you plant your vegetable patch. You can plant dahlias as late as mid-June in most parts of the country. When selecting a planting location, seek out an area with full sun (six hours or more a day). Dahlias thrive in full sun, but can tolerate some partial shade. A general rule is the more sun, the bigger the flowers, so plan accordingly. Try to choose a location that is sheltered from the wind. One of the most vital things when planting dahlias is to choose an area that is well-draining. Dahlias do not like soggy roots.
Once you have selected the perfect location for your tubers, dig a hole that is twice as wide and deep as the tuber. Place the tuber in the hole with the eye facing up. The eye is the point on the tuber from which the plant grows. If you plan to plant multiple dahlias in the same area, be sure to separate each one by about two feet. this practice will ensure that each tuber has proper space to grow. Shorter varieties can be planted closer together. Depending on the size of the variety, rows should be about three to five feet apart. Fill the holes with just enough soil to cover the top of the tuber. Once you see new growth appear, add more soil. Slowly covering the stem with soil will allow the stem to strengthen, thus supporting the flowers better. Young dahlias do not require a lot of water. larger plants should be watered if the rainfall is less than one inch in seven days. Remove any broken or damaged foliage.
Few flowers can rival the blooming power of a dahlia. These summer-blooming bulbs deliver a non-stop parade of flowers from July to October. Blossoms range in size from 1\" to 12\" across and are available in every color of the rainbow. Discover for yourself why dahlias are so popular for flower gardens, cutting gardens and containers.
Dahlias are incredibly easy to grow and provide some of the biggest and most spectacular blooms in the garden. In just a single season, Dahlia plants grow into a full and lush bush, opening their brilliant, abundant blooms non-stop from midsummer through the fall. With thousands of dahlia varieties to choose from, you can find them in a rainbow of unique colors, different styles and unexpected flower shapes.
To say that dahlias are my favorite garden flower, that would be an understatement. I fell in love with dahlia flowers at a very young age. These beautiful flowers have always been a favorite of mine! My mother grew dahlias in our backyard garden and my uncle also had a huge dahlia garden in Seattle. One of my favorite childhood memories was seeing fresh cut dinner plate dahlia flowe